41 F. Ramos Street
Cebu City 6000 Philippines
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Medical Technology


The College of Medical Technology, Velez College, opened its doors in 1967 with an enrolment of one hundred four (104) female students and about thirty one (31) male students for the course of Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology.

It is still a four-year course to date where General Education subjects are taken during the first two years. On the third year level, students tackled the Medical Technology related subjects which included Hematology, Immunohematology (Blood Banking), Clinical Chemistry, Analysis of Urine & Other Body Fluids (Clinical Microscopy), Gen. Pathology, Histopathologic & Cytologic Techniques, Med. Tech. Laws & Bioethics, Lab. Management, Microbiology, Parasitology and Immunology-Serology. The last three subjects are under the one and only Department in the College of Medical Technology which also services the BS Nursing and BS Biology students of Velez College. Changes in the curriculum were made as mandated by CHED. With the revision of the curriculum, subjects were added like Cytogenetics, Basic Pharmacology and Principles & Strategies of Teaching Health Education. On the fourth year level, students undergo the Internship Training Program. One of the changes in the curriculum was that the Internship Training Program was shortened to six months which used to be twelve months. Velez College did not follow suit but opted for an eleven-month program. In the early years, Interns would go on duty only at Cebu Velez General Hospital laboratory. To date, affiliation outside CVGH laboratory include the Perpetual Succour Hospital laboratory.

The first Dean of the college was Dr. Ibarra T. Panopio, a US trained pathologist. He held the position until May of 2010. Currently, his assistant, Perla M. ViƱarta, is acting Dean of the College. When the College opened, faculty members came mostly from the Cebu Institute of Medicine (CIM) pool. To date, the pool of faculty members include licensed medical doctors and licensed medical technologists. Some of the classrooms and laboratories utilized were facilities of CIM. Sometime 1989, we stopped using the CIM facilities, Velez College came up with its classrooms and laboratories to cater to the third year Med. Tech. subject offerings.

Since its opening in SY 1967-68, the College of Medical Technology had been producing board topnotchers and almost always with a very high passing rate, compared to the national passing rate, in the licensure examination given by Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). Through the years, the College had gained a reputation of being a topnotch school of medical technology in the country. This is supported by the several citations and recognitions received from PRC and the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists (PAMET), Cebu Chapter.

The College of Medical Technology is also known to be a good training ground for students who would like to become doctors someday.

In their quest for excellence, Velez College worked for its accreditation with the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU). The Medical Technology Program of the College is now accredited with Level I status.

Today, the Velez College still remains to be one of the best schools in Medical Technology. It has produced several graduates that are both knowledgeable and are globally competitive. These graduates had carried through the mission of the College with great success both here and abroad.

March 2025

School Calendar S.Y. 2023-2024
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