Sparking Minds, Hearts, and Spirits

By: Paola Monique Tonelete

World Teachers’ Day held annually on the 5th of October since 1994 – created by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) – celebrates teachers worldwide.

All teachers and non-teaching staff were invited to a holy mass at the Cebu Velez General Hospital (CVGH) chapel last Oct. 5, 2011 12:15pm “…to celebrate great teachers and great teaching… and convey to all the educators greetings and best wishes for world teachers’ day”. The mass was celebrated by Fr. Suico with the accompaniment of the newly assembled Medtech chorale.

The event was mutually appreciated by the attendees; Dr. Carmen Velez, Mrs. Nona Velez, Dr. Josefina Poblete, the rest of the administration, the deans and the faculty of the different colleges and the staff of Velez College. Representing the students, Mr. Ebenezer Manzano, the president of the Supreme Student Council (SSC) gave a sincere message to the special assembly which is surely echoed by all the students;

“…We are proud of your dedication to the profession
and for the personal sacrifices you make to teach us.
We are delighted for your devotion to train our questing minds,
and for your inspiration for our hopeful hearts.

There is no substitute for education.
Firstly, because it’s the most precious gift you can give to students.
Second, because it’s the most critical investment in our future. And
lastly, because it’s the most effective strategy that will enable us to
survive and to thrive in an ever changing world.”

Dean Josephine Gonzales, the dean of CAS, delivered the teachers’ response with the thought of gratitude for the tribute. She emphasized that this was the first time that Teachers’ day was celebrated in Velez College. In conclusion, she affirmed that they all promise to continue to do what they love, teach students.

Light snacks were then served by the SSC and UCA (Union Classroom Assemblies) for the faculty, staff and students. Tokens were given to all faculty and staff of Velez College to make the day most memorable and fit for our excellent mentors.

“Once children learn how to learn, nothing is going to narrow their mind. The essence of teaching is to make learning contagious, to have one idea spark another.” — Marva Collins

Crowning glory

By Paola Monique Tonelete

Feathers, flowers, nets and gems stood-out like fireworks a top the crowd, a promising display for this exceptional night. While the ever identical nurses’ white cap was nowhere to be found, swapped as hats was the beautiful fiasco called fascinators. The ladies stripped the stripes and bared their princess selves along with the real live princes who were undeniably stunning with badges off and royalty-look on.

On the 16th of July, the Summit Hall of the Cebu International Convention Center was graced by a gathering of royalties. It was the Velez College of Nursing Acquaintance Party 2011 presented by the master of ceremonies, Ms. Nicole Viena Jimenez. Commenced with a melodious prayer and followed by the National Anthem, the White Caps Choir steered the atmosphere for the presentation about the event then another AVP in honor of Dean Liliosa Lumbab. Dean Kangleon’s welcoming remarks and Mdm. Nona Velez’s symbolic toast sent the party at full swing. The most-awaited banquet was served simultaneously with delicious music rendered by Mr. Chris Navalta and the White Caps. The said choir also had their induction of officers together with Ms. Reynes and Mr. Endriga. The induction of Class officers care-off Mdm. Nona Velez together with the SBO advisers preceded the last induction rite of the night, the SBO EXEDE officers by Dean Kangleon also together with the SBO advisers. The games and presentations flooded thereafter. “Come on guys!” the inviting remarks of the dean before she and the clinical instructors danced, is just one of the most unforgettable points of the night. Mr. Petalcorin happily surprised all the young monarchs with his moves as well. The freshies kept it sweet; the sophomores sizzled; while the juniors and the seniors made the dance floor sweat and the whole crowd stumping.

Excitement reached at its peak as Mr. Ed Espinosa and Ms. Michelle Mediano were chosen as the Prince William and the Duchess Kate of the royal gathering hosted by Mr. Kelvin Dy. The parade of muses and escorts made the blue-bloods pumped as-ever as everybody cheered for their friends. Last but not the least, the princess with the best dress and the one with the most incredible fascinator was crowned.

Though the night ended, life as a royalty does not end here, there are still many acquaintances to make, states to visit, many untapped treasures to explore and this big party called life to celebrate.

Occupational Therapy Takes on the Upper East Side

By Kim Varga

July 2, 2011- Velez, College of Occupational Therapy celebrated its annual acquaintance party at Robinland’s IT/ BPO Center penthouse at Zuellig Avenue, Mandaue Reclamation, Mandaue, Cebu City.

The theme “Upper East Side New York” clearly portrayed in venue presentation, stage design and music. Students of the college garbed in their best adaptation of the theme began arriving at 6 o’clock in the evening and the festivities commenced. Starting off with opening remarks and welcoming messages toned down with a solemn prayer, subsequently dinner was then served thru buffet.

Presentations followed shortly thereafter with remarkable performances by sophomores Jom- Jom Po on microphone beatbox, James Vestil and Anne Alenton with a rendition of Jay-Z and Alicia Keys’ Empire State of Mind and a stunning dance number by the 3rd year all- stars . A showdown between microphone beatbox and contemporary dance was one of the highlights of the night.

The party culminated with OT 2B proclaimed as the best section of the night. Music took over, as guests took to picture taking, socializing and planning of after parties for their respective groups. Indeed it was a night full of fun, laughter and meeting new friends.

MR. and MS. NURSING 2011

by Jean Galang

Mr. and Ms. Nursing 2011— held at the Epifania Mendoza Velez Memorial Hall on the 19th of August was another highlight of the College of Nursing SBO Exede’s activities.

The program started at 6:00 in the evening; as the venue was already packed with several spectators all set to support their candidates. Thirteen pairs wowed the audience as each one took their catwalks to the stage during the parade of contestants. A closer glimpse of each candidate was offered as they introduced themselves in their sports-inspired outfits, the year and the section they represented with great pride and conviction. The competition heated up when each candidate impressed the crowd as they showcased their “Moves like Jagger” during the very well-rehearsed production number, certainly satisfying our expectations. Indeed, this gave the judges an even more difficult task of narrowing them down to their top 5 favorite pairs.

After the question and answer portion of the Top 5 pairs, the results were announced as Monica Bolofer and Kim Tiu took home the awards for Best Sportswear Male and Female. So close to winning were Adam Canonigo and Michelle Milano as they were awarded 1st runner ups and claiming the title of Mr. Nursing 2011 was Edward Daniel Mortallaof BSN 3. While Ms. Nursing 2011 was awarded to Stacey King of BSN 2.

The champions and 1st runner ups will be representing the College of Nursing during the Mr. and Ms. Intramurals pageant.

Velezians participate in providing free housing for community

By Kim Varga

LOREGA, Cebu – Volunteers from prominent colleges and universities in Cebu in partnership with Gawad Kalinga converge at this “GK build” site to aid in the construction of a dwelling complex which would provide free housing for poverty- stricken residents of the community.

A heartwarming congregation of professionals and students mostly from the University of San Carlos, Saint Theresa’s College, Cebu Institute of Technology and our very own Velez College composed the building squad for this half- day activity, which began at 7:00 am and ended 12:00 noon on a Saturday, August 13, 2011.

The site located behind the old Sacred Heart Jesuit campus is in the heart of an evidently destitute section of the city. The ground originally served as a public cemetery prior to excavation. As it was found, residents of the area relieved the tombs of their coffins and inhabited the interment chambers for themselves.

The condition, nonetheless, called for a community outreach and Gawad Kalinga Cebu spearheaded the project. The two- storey complex, once established, will provide a home to twenty families in the area. Day to day construction supplemented with regular volunteer work from various individuals and groups organized together with core members of GK Cebu ensures the destitute inhabitants of this area the home they shall finally call their own.

[for more details on the project visit: GK Cebu on facebook]

CESAFI ’11: Reviving Ecology Through Sports and Academic Excellence

By: Jiri Othello Gabrillo Dinsay & Gladys Marie Lugtu

It was a majestic day for all athletes and sports fans as CESAFI season 11 opened last August 7, 2011 with the theme: “Reviving ecology through sports and academic excellence”. Each school thundered the Cebu Coliseum with cheers and applauses in support for their representatives. The program started off with a holy mass with the intention for “True sportsmanship and clean and honest games”. After which, the athletes paraded gallantly around the big dome with a great sense of pride as they waved emblems of their alma mater.

The athletes recited the pledge of sportsmanship in unison as the symbolic torch pass took place. The athletes shook each other’s hands with humility and wished each other all the best. The activity commenced immediately starting with the Mr. and Ms. CESAFI 2011, which was proudly represented by our very own Ms. Jonnie Rose Wee and Mr. Lyrey Yves Campos, who later on bagged the title of Mr. CESAFI 2011. The two Velezians competed against the beauties and the handsome men of other schools and exhibited poise and composure amidst the screaming fans. The Best Smile award for both the Male and Female category was given to the University of San Carlos (USC); 2nd runner up for the college male category was bagged by USC, and University of Cebu (UC) for the female category; 1st runner up for the male category was from University of Visayas (UV), and Cebu Doctor’s University (CDU) for the female category; and finally the title Mr. CESAFI was of course awarded to Velez College, and his counterpart, Ms. CESAFI, was from Cebu Institute of Technology- University (CIT-U). Velez was also very well-represented by the 3rd year nursing students who showcased their talents in the dance presentations.

As the season stretched on, each participant displayed a healthy competitive drive, mastery of their craft and creativity in the use of strategy. There were numerous events and activities but it was very commendable of the winners to have remained magnanimous in their victory and how those who tried their best exemplified humility in defeat. It was also obvious that trophies, recognitions and awards only came second to what was important which was to play for the love of the game.

At present, the tournament is still reaching its peak and the competition is getting more exciting as ever. But at a glance, the CESAFI 2011 will be remembered as an amazing event. The organizers, athletes and fans are already looking forward to the bigger and more exciting season next year.

Student body addresses local issue on blood shortage

By Kim Varga

Velez College, Cebu – Velezians answer the call for a bloodletting activity in a cooperative effort to provide a solution towards the depletion of the Cebu Velez General Hospital’s blood reserves.

The activity, organized by three of the headstrong Velez College organizations: the Supreme Student Council, Vital Signs and L.F.S. 1925 took place on September 29 to 30, 2011 at the CVGH laboratory. The ceremonies respectively falling on a Thursday and Friday were greeted with favorable air as numerous blood donors of each of the adjoining colleges from Nursing to Physical and Occupational Therapy along with proxies and walk-ins gradually poured in.
As agreed upon, the planned quota for this project is 60 blood-bags of 450- 500 ml that has passed thru the requirements of CVGH. The final tally of the bloody two days was by all means an accomplishment: 61 persons screened and 50 successfully bled in either of the ABO blood groups.

Free snacks and excused leaves on classes were provided as common courtesy to donors. All parties present were briefed on a known fact that one blood bag can save up to four human individuals; this ratio together with this project gives us all a reason to start counting lives and keep in mind that it takes all types to keep the beat going!

1st years’ General Assembly

By Kat Arriola

When school year 2011-2012 has started, fresh meat came to bay. I mean, fresh faces come to school! As a new school year started so did new subjects, lessons, new shoes, new ball pens and the most exciting of them all are new relationships; new friendships between students of the same year level, of higher or lower years, maybe same courses or between different ones. It may as well be between teachers and students. Friendship is important. Just imagine going through the whole school year without friends? Even if you planned not to have any, I bet you’ll always meet one along the Velez grounds. So as to help with these budding relationships, the Supreme Student Council (SSC) and the Velez College Administration had a general assembly for the freshmen on June 17-18, 2011 at the Epiphania Mendoza Velez Memorial (EMVM) hall.

The first year students were assembled according to their respective courses to foster acquaintance together with the different faculty members, guidance councilors, the different school organizations, and to the rules and regulations of Velez College.

During the assembly, the faculty members of their respective departments were presented. The students were oriented to the proper protocols of the administration, such as enrollment and the like. They were also told about the rules and regulations observed within the institution. An example would be wearing of the complete and proper uniform, the proper haircut and accessories allowed, and other things that are written in the students’ manual which they were given on the event. Matters concerning extra fees during the enrollment intended for the different organizations in school were explained.

The assembly was geared to familiarize the students with the school policies, to guide them in this new collegiate journey and also a chance to get to know each other by playing games and having fun, which could help them establish the camaraderie that makes this adventure more worthwhile.
At the end of the day, the students gained a lot of “new” things. New information, new mentors, new friends which heralds them to this new world that is college.